Reclamation and Flood Control Districts

Historically, a reclamation districts existed to drain wetlands, which were then considered to be "reclaimed" for agriculture. Now, reclamation districts are in the business of keeping people and property safe in a variety of ways -- from emergency planning to levee maintenance to pumping water out of reclaimed areas.

Reclamation District 1000 (Natomas)

Reclamation District 1001 (Nicolaus)

​​Reclamation District 1500 (Sutter)

Reclamation District 1600 (Mull District)

Reclamation District 1614 (Smith Tract)

Reclamation District 1660 (Tisdale)

P.O. Box 35, Meridian, CA 95957

Phone: 530-696-0349

Reclamation District 2023 (Venice Island)

1440 Arundel Ct., Lodi, CA 95242

Phone: 209-333-8146

Reclamation District 2024 (Orwood/Palm Tracts)

Reclamation District 2025 (Holland Tract)

343 East Main St., Ste 815, Stockton, CA 95202

Phone: 209-943-5551

Reclamation District 2026 (Webb Tract)

343 East Main St., Ste 815, Stockton, CA 95202
Phone: 209-943-5551

Reclamation District 2028 (Bacon Island)

Reclamation District 2039 (Upper Jones Tract)

P.O. Box 1461, Stockton, CA 95201

Phone: 209-465-5883

Reclamation 2060 (Hastings Tract)

1143 Crane St., Ste 200, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone: 650-328-0820

Reclamation District 2062 (Steward Tract)

Reclamation District 2067 (Brannan Island)

Reclamation District 2068 (Yolano)

7178 Yolano Road, Dixon, CA 95620

Phone: 707-678-5412

Reclamation District 2072 (Woodward Island)

PO Box 1461, Stockton, CA 95201

Phone 465-5883

Reclamation District 2075 (McMullin Ranch)

343 East Main St., Ste 815, Stockton, CA 95202
Phone: 209-943-5551

Reclamation District  2084 (Solano)

Reclamation District 2086 (Canal Ranch)

11292 N. Alpine Rd., Stockton, CA 95212

Phone: 209-948-0792

Reclamation District 2098 (Cache Haas Area)

C/O RD 2068

Reclamation District 2110 (McCormack-Williamson Tract)

PO Box 2382, Stockton, CA 95201

Phone: 209-242-9974

Reclamation District 2111 (Deadhorse Island)

PO Box 248, Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: 916-417-0909

Reclamation District 2113 (Fay Island)

PO Box 1461, Stockton, CA 95201
Phone 465-5883

American River Flood Control District

Brannan-Andrus Levee Maintenance District

Knights Landing Ridge Drainage District

Sacramento West Side Levee District

Thompson & Folger

Reclamation District 3 (Grand Island)

Reclamation District 38 (Staten Island)

PO Box 408 Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: 916-776-1531

Reclamation District 70(Meridian Farms)

PO Box 129, Meridian, CA 95957

Phone: 530-696-2569

Reclamation District 108 (River Farms)

Reclamation District 150 (Merritt Island)

Reclamation District 317 (Lower Andrus Island)

Reclamation District 407 (Andrus Island)

Reclamation District 501 (Ryer Island)

3554 State Highway 84, Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: 916-775-1411

Reclamation District 537 (Lovdal District)

Reclamation District 548 (Terminous)

P.O. Box 1461, Stockton, CA 95201

Phone: 209-465-5883

Reclamation District 551 (Pearson District)

P.O. Box 523, Courtland, CA 95615

Phone: 916-775-2121

Reclamation District 554 (Walnut Grove)

P.O. Box 984, Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: 916-776-1945

Reclamation District 556 (Upper Andrus Island)

P.O. Box 984, Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: 916-776-1945

Reclamation District 563 (Tyler Island)

P.O. Box 470, Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: 916-776-2544

Reclamation District 684 (Lower Roberts Island)

P.O. 1461, Stockton, CA 95201

Phone: 209-465-5583

Reclamation District 756 (Bouldin Island)

Reclamation District 773 (Fabian Tract)

Reclamation District 784 (Plumas Lake)

Reclamation District 787 (Fair Ranch)

Reclamation District 800 (Byron Tract)

Reclamation District 813 (Ehrheardt Club)
P.O. Box 557, Courtland, CA 95615
Phone: 916-871-4060

Reclamation District 900 (West Sacramento)

Reclamation District 999 (Netherlands)



Cities and Counties

Cities and counties must make plans to keep their residents safe. The Association supports these efforts, and provides a forum for ongoing discussion of best practices.

Regional Agencies

Taking the flood fight to the regional level, regional  agencies rely on joint powers agreements to muster the strengths of multiple local governments.

Members: City of Sacramento, the County of Sacramento, the County of Sutter, the American River Flood Control District and Reclamation District No. 1000.

Members:  City of Stockton, San Joaquin County and the San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District.​​

Members: Counties of Butte and Sutter, the Cities of Biggs, Gridley, Live Oak and Yuba City, and Levee Districts 1 and 9.

Our Members

Associate Members

Associate members do not vote on Association matters. However, they bring fresh perspectives from the job sites, drawing boards, and courtrooms of our state. 

They are an invaluable part of the floodfight.

Become a Member

Public agencies such as reclamation, flood control, levee maintenance, drainage and other special districts, and local government agencies may become members of the California Central Valley Flood Control Association.

Private individuals and organizations may become associate members and may participate in meetings of the members, but may not vote.

Become a Member! Pleasefill out our applicationand submit it to CCVFCA, 3050 Beacon Blvd., Suite 203, West Sacramento, CA 95691 or via the Fax or e-mail information on the brochure.  We regret that we can only accept (hard copy) mailed applications at this time.