Delta Flood Protection

  • ​Levee Breaching Ceremony at Lookout Slough - On September 18th, DWR hosted a levee breaching ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration Project.  After breaking ground in June 2022, construction for the project included building over 3-miles of a 25-foot-tall setback levee, which provides 100-year flood protection with allowances for future sea level rise, excavating 26-miles of open tidal channels, and restoring native habitat through grading, fill placement, and natural revegetation. The breached site provides over 40,000-acre feet of additional flood storage within the Yolo Bypass. ​
  • DWR Files Certification of Consistency for Tunnel Activities - A certification of consistency was filed with the Delta Stewardship Council by the Department of Water Resources for geotechnical drilling activities conducting exploration to facilitate the design of the Delta Conveyance Project tunnel infrastructure.
  • Delta Organizations File Water Rights Protests and Injunction on DCP - In addition to the NDWA filing a water rights protest on the Delta Conveyance Project change in diversion point petition, a coalition of California tribes, environmental organizations, and fishing groups also filed a protest.  A coalition that includes Sacramento County also filed an injunction to prevent geotechnical drilling without an environmental analysis under CEQA.  Oral arguments were heard by Superior Court Judge Stephen Acquisto on May 31, 2024.
  • Higher Price Tag for Delta Tunnels - DWR released new cost-benefit estimates and FAQ for the construction of the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) that reveal the cost has increased by $4 billion since the last estimate was announced four years ago.  Despite the rising price tag, DWR claims the benefits of the project still outweigh the $20.1 billion cost estimate.  Opponents of the project maintain that the DCP is an expensive boondoggle that will imperil the ecosystem and Delta as place.  Restore the Delta specifically claims the cost analysis failed to adequately recognize the effects on local communities, tribes, the Delta environment, and the state’s fishing industry.  According to Dr. Jeff Michael, professor of public policy at McGeorge School of Law, disputes DWR’s assertion that the DCP is less expensive than desalinization project water.  Congressman Josh Harder slammed the project for its intent to benefit Beverly Hills while harming the Delta in terms of lost farmland, unhealthy air quality, reduced water quality, and more detrimental effects.  The Delta Counties Coalition criticized the analysis for being based on unreasonable assumptions and expressed frustration with the state’s refusal to study alternatives to a tunnel.  On the legal front, the County of Sacramento and the Sacramento County Water Agency filed a motion for preliminary injunction to stop geotechnical drilling related to the DCP until DWR files a certification of consistency with the Delta Stewardship Council.​
  • Permit Portal Created for Tunnel Project  - A website was created by DWR that lists each of the permits and regulatory compliance requirements it must complete before starting construction of the Delta Conveyance Project. According to Californians for Water Security, statewide polling they conducted indicates 76% of voters support the Delta Conveyance Project.  This organization was created to promote construction of the tunnel project.​

Legislative Issues

  • ​​Governor Signs Urban Flooding Legislation - Two bills were signed into law by Governor Newsom to help municipalities prevent major urban flooding by allowing them to clean storm channels quicker and more frequently – AB 2501 and 3227.  Assembly Bill 3227 gets rid of some of the state environmental delays and helps expedite regular maintenance of storm water channels. The bill applies to channels that are fully concrete or have less than a 100-year storm capacity to ensure they are adequately maintained ahead of significant weather events.  Assembly Bill 2501 allows for expedited review of permit applications for critical infrastructure projects addressing storm channel maintenance.
  • Secretary of Water Appointed - Governor Newsom announced the appointment of Samantha Arthur as the Deputy Secretary of Water at the Natural Resources Agency (NRA).  Since 2023 she has been the Assistant Secretary of the Salton Sea Policy at the NRA.  Prior to working for the Administration, she worked for the Audubon California and served on the CA Water Commission from 2020 through 2023.
  • Legislature Approves Climate Bond  - Just in time to qualify for the November 2024 ballot, the State Legislature and Governor approved a $10 billion bond to address climate change that will appear on the ballot as Proposition 4.

Animated graphic of BDCP/CA WaterFix water supply facilities in north Delta

Adopted in 2012, the CVFPP is currently in the second phase of regional implementation.  Funding and conservation strategy elements are currently being developed for addition into the 2017 update of the plan.

The Draft Central Valley Flood System Conservation Strategy document, Executive Summary, and 12 Appendices are available for review.

  • Review Guidance Document available to assist your review
  • A slide presentation describing the strategy to CVFPB in Feb 2015
  • CVFPB Advisory Committee (Conservation Strategy) Meeting - November 13th, 10:00am-12:00pm, 3310 El Camino Ave, Rm LL20

​Central Valley Flood Protection Plan

The United States Army Corps of Engineers is considering some changes to Public Law 84-99, the federal government's program to help rebuild damaged levees.

Read the Association's comments here.

Comments from the Department of Water Resources and the Central Valley Flood Protection Board are also available.



The Central Valley Flood Protection Board has new enforcement authority, including the authority to enforce encroachments on levees.

State and Federal inspection information and detailed reports are available at the California Data Exchange Center.

The Bay Delta Conservation Plan would affect levees, bypasses, and the State Plan of Flood Control.  Ten of the Plan's 22 proposed conservation projects would impact the state's flood facilities -- including bypasses, levees and flood flow capacity.


Levee Maintenance and Inspections

Bay Delta Conservation Plan

Current Issues

Agriculture As A Way Of Life

The Central Valley of California provides approximately 25% of the US food supply; it provides approximately 50% of US grown fruits, nuts, and vegetables; over 1 million jobs in California are directly or indirectly supported by agriculture and approximately 22% of the US rice production is from California (the northern Sacramento region is the heart of the California rice industry) (CDFA, 2011).

Levees in rural areas protect these fertile areas -- as they grow.

View our 2011 report, Rural Flood Protection in the Sacramento Valley, to learn more about the challenges and benefits of managing flood protection areas alongside agriculture.

Life, Property, and Ecosystem

Flood management projects often combine multi-purpose benefits, including ecosystem, when can be accomplished without compromising primary flood protection objectives.

Core Principles

The Association was established in 1926 to promote the common interests of its membership in maintaining effective flood control systems in California's Central Valley for the protection of life, property and the environment.

Reducing flood risk and protecting public safety remains the day-to-day business of our members and agencies.

Public Safety.

Association Purpose