• West Sacramento Celebrates Levee Improvements - On Earth Day, the City of West Sacramento Mayor Martha Guerrero hosted dignitaries, including U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District Commander Col. Chad Caldwell and Congresswoman Doris Matsui, to celebrate the success of the 5.6-mile Southport Levee Improvement Project with more than 77,000 flourishing plants covering 120-acres.  The city also has two other ongoing levee projects:  Yolo Bypass East and Sacramento River West North.


  • FMA Offers Geotechnical Engineering Seminar - On September 26, 2024 the Floodplain Management Association is hosting a 1-day in-person course for engineers, technicians, planners, agencies, consultants, levee districts, floodplain managers, emergency managers and others who have some contact with geotechnical engineering, related to flood control levees, but are not practicing in the field. This will be a basic real-world course taught by respected hands-on geotechnical engineers.  The course will be in West Sacramento from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.  Registration is required.
  • State Seeks Comment on Climate Strategy - In accordance with AB 1384, the State released a Climate Adaptation Strategy for public comment.  The deadline for submitting comments is July 12, 2024.
  • A History of Flood Risk Reduction in Yuba County - The Sacramento News & Review publication provides a historical recitation on the more than 60 years of flood risk reduction efforts implemented by the Yuba Water Agency.  The article describes the hydraulic mining in the middle of the 19th century and growth of agricultural production in the 20th century, as well as the folks in the 21st century planning for the future under climate change.  

Check out current CCVFCA members and consider joining the Association.



Learn more about legislative, legal, and regulatory flood control issues.

Resources and information for flood managers, elected officials, and those living in Central Valley floodplains.

Together in the flood fight -- since 1926.

3050 Beacon Blvd., Suite 203

West Sacramento, CA, 95691

(916) 446-0197

Melinda Terry, Executive Director


​June 20 – FMA Monthly Lunch, CVFPB Speaker on Collaboration, Buca di Peppo, 11:30 am
July 12 - Deadline to comment on CA’s
Climate Adaptation Strategy
Sept 3-6 – FMA
Annual Conference, Henderson, NV

Sept 26 - FMA Seminar on geotechnical engineering for levees, West Sacramento, 8:30 am


  • Climate Bond Gains Traction - Two years ago the State Legislature approved a $54 billion multi-year plan to fight climate change when there was a budget surplus, but they cut $3 billion last year and propose another $6 billion reduction this year.  Despite a huge state budget deficit, shrinking bond capacity and competition for bond funding for education infrastructure, a group of state legislators is working on finalizing a climate change bond measure to be on the November 2024 ballot.  A major issue to resolve is how big to go.  Right now the discussions range from $6-$13 billion.  Assemblymembers Eduardo Garcia and (D-Coachella) and Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) are leading the effort to decide what will be put before the voters to address climate priorities.  CCVFCA is actively lobbying for the flood section of the climate bond to use wording from the flood protection sponsored by the Association - SB 638 (Eggman/Niello).


  • Delta Organizations File Water Rights Protests and Injunction on DCP - In addition to the NDWA filing a water rights protest on the Delta Conveyance Project change in diversion point petition, a coalition of California tribes, environmental organizations, and fishing groups also filed a protest.  A coalition that includes Sacramento County also filed an injunction to prevent geotechnical drilling without an environmental analysis under CEQA.  Oral arguments were heard by Superior Court Judge Stephen Acquisto on May 31, 2024.
  • Higher Price Tag for Delta Tunnels - DWR released new cost-benefit estimates and FAQ for the construction of the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) that reveal the cost has increased by $4 billion since the last estimate was announced four years ago.  Despite the rising price tag, DWR claims the benefits of the project still outweigh the $20.1 billion cost estimate.  Opponents of the project maintain that the DCP is an expensive boondoggle that will imperil the ecosystem and Delta as place.  Restore the Delta specifically claims the cost analysis failed to adequately recognize the effects on local communities, tribes, the Delta environment, and the state’s fishing industry.  According to Dr. Jeff Michael, professor of public policy at McGeorge School of Law, disputes DWR’s assertion that the DCP is less expensive than desalinization project water.  Congressman Josh Harder slammed the project for its intent to benefit Beverly Hills while harming the Delta in terms of lost farmland, unhealthy air quality, reduced water quality, and more detrimental effects.  The Delta Counties Coalition criticized the analysis for being based on unreasonable assumptions and expressed frustration with the state’s refusal to study alternatives to a tunnel.  On the legal front, the County of Sacramento and the Sacramento County Water Agency filed a motion for preliminary injunction to stop geotechnical drilling related to the DCP until DWR files a certification of consistency with the Delta Stewardship Council.
  • Fish Protection in the Delta - In 2023, DWR installed a new bioacoustic barrier on the Sacramento River to block fish from entering Georgiana Slough.  The barrier produces a barrage of bubbles, light and noise to deter fish from following the path to state and federal export pumps in the South Delta.  A pilot barrier installed in 2011 worked well.  DWR claims this new barrier works even better to protect fish by preventing almost 90% of baby salmon from entering the slough.  In addition, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation recently conducted two short-term experimental flow releases from Shasta Reservoir to help juvenile salmon migrate to the ocean.  Reclamation and its partners are developing pulse flow prescriptions for a management plan as part of the Action for the Long Term Operation of the CVP and SWP.
  • County Approves Liberty Island Land Transfer - The Solano County Board of Supervisors approved the surrender of a stretch of road along Shag Slough to DWR as part of the Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration Project.  The county initially received the road vacation petition from EIP California LLC. However, DWR subsequently acquired all the lands adjacent to the project area and has submitted a succession letter to support the petition request.  The board was told 1,400 acres of irrigated pasture that will become part of the marsh, will be relocated to the other side of the new levee.
  • Permit Portal Created for Tunnel Project  - A website was created by DWR that lists each of the permits and regulatory compliance requirements it must complete before starting construction of the Delta Conveyance Project. According to Californians for Water Security, statewide polling they conducted indicates 76% of voters support the Delta Conveyance Project.  This organization was created to promote construction of the tunnel project.​